Saturday, January 1, 2011

I've changed servers

Hello, I have recently changed servers for my blog due to the problems I was having.  I would love to keep you as a follower so please head on over to

I'll see you there

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sleeping Baby?

Check this out.  Our newest addition to the Baby Boutique at Hand Makn it.  I saw this and wanted to duplicate.  It took me a bit to figure it out, but I finally got it.  It's just so adorable.

My daughter, who is due in January, came for a short visit this weekend.  It was good to see her.  She's about 24 weeks pregnant and growing.  I thought to myself how different she looks.  She's beautiful, of course, but she's also cute as a button with her baby belly.

I got to feel my grand-daughter move for the first time.  SO exciting! 

Ok so here are a few pics.

This is the Sleeping Baby diaper cake.  Everything she's made from is usable for the baby.  Will be up on the website hopefully today, ready to order for only $25.00.

And here's my daughter with her baby belly.  Looking forward to doing some professional shots of her when she gets a bit bigger.  This was just snapped on the was a very busy weekend for both of us.

Chow for now,

Friday, September 24, 2010

They were a hit.

So, I unveiled the tricycle diaper cake at my networking meeting.  I kept the suspense high and had the trike on the table in front of me with a towel covering it so it remained incognito.  I removed the towel when it was my turn to speak and gave them my spill.  Several people after our meeting said that they would so buy one if they knew anyone having a baby....they actually wished they knew someone having a baby.

I got my netting shipped to me last week and now I need to get the other tutus and fairy wands made so that I can take a basket of items downtown to one of our local children's boutiques.  I was given this lead by one of my Business Buddies in our networking group.  I just need to get my basket of items and my box of courage and get my behind down there before someone else does.

Do you ever find yourself being hesitant when it comes to promoting yourself?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Diaper Cakes

Oh these are just adorable and I had to share.  I saw some like these online and I wanted to add them to my Boutique. 

My daughter is expecting to have her first baby in January, 2011.  She found out that she is having a girl.  So I have been busy making baby things and will add a Baby Boutique to my store.  Right now everything I'm making is pink, of course, but you can order any color that you want.  Most of my items are made to order due to the fact that I don't have a store front to carry stock.

I have so many ideas of upcoming products that I cannot work fast enough for my own liking, but they are coming. 

So, are you ready to see the new items?

The tricycle diaper cute.  Tomorrow I'm taking this one to my networking group to unveil it for the first time.  I mentioned last week what I was busy making and they all looked at me and said, "What?".  They have not heard of diaper cakes. 

Here's another one. 

Now here's a cupcake....made with a couple of baby caps.

And washcloth lollipops.

That's what I've been up to lately, in between my photography business and taking senior pics.  If you are interested in any of these items, check them out on Hand Makn it .  My online boutique.

Chow for now,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hand-made Home-made

Ok, so for the past three days I've been in the kitchen canning.  Well, I actually started on Friday, spent that day in the kitchen.....and then picked up again yesterday and today.  I'm exhausted and tired of being in the kitchen.  Now it's time to cook dinner.

I have a pretty big garden and I love grow my own food.  I do enjoy the process of preserving my produce, but it is tiring.

Friday I canned some sauerkraut, pickles and jalapenos.  Monday was my salsa and spaghetti sauce. And today I started some more cabbage for sauerkraut and canned like 26 jars of peach preserves.  All of those peach preserves came from one box of peaches that I bought at Farmer's Market for only $10.   WOW!!!!
What a deal.

Each year I have several people that I know who want some of my canning that I've mentioned it to others I now have more people who would like to have some.  HMMmmm, $$$$.

Someone even mentioned that they would be willing to pay me for my salsa and preserves.  Maybe, that's a thought in my future.

Well, anyway, I still have some peach jelly to make tomorrow and right now I need to get up and fix dinner for my family. 

Chow for now,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Newest Item Release

Hi Everyone,

Here is our latest release.  Tutus anyone?  They are so adorable.  The little girls just love them for dressing up for their birthdays, for picture taking or just plain fun.  They are our little princesses after all and they just love dressing up like one.

To see more girly items go here:

Girly Boutique

Neon Pink, Neon Green and Taffy
Pink and Taffy
Lavender, Lilac andPurple

Fairy Wands

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi and welcome to my blog,

My name is Corbie.  I'm glad you stopped by.  I'm a busy mom taking care of 7 kids in the house (one is our grandson) and I have a daughter who lives across the state and is expecting her first child in January 2011.  I own a gift shop called Hand Makn It.  It's my Unique Boutique where I can be creative in making hand-made gifts for all occasions.  I also get to use my creativity in my other business as a Photographer.  I'm a freelance photographer working my way into becoming a full time professional. 

I'm also a Sunday School Teacher for our teens and I lead our Ladies Ministry at our church.  Working my way to getting my Minister's License next year.

I started this blog for Hand Makn It to keep my followers informed and up to date with all of my new items as they become available.  I'm looking forward to sharing with you what's new and fresh in the crafting world.

I publish a newsletter once a month called the Hodge-Podge Corner where I share the latest happenings with my businesses and ministry.  If you are interested in joining the mailing list, just stop by and sign up.

If you are interested in hearing about my journeys as a photographer, you can find that here:

Thanks for stopping by. 